Finish your home improvement projects with a personal loan from leading finance company Yes Finance.
Finish your home improvement projects with a personal loan from leading finance company Yes Finance.
Post: July 14, 2020

We’ve all got a long list of improvements we want to make to our homes. Like many kiwis stuck at home during the lockdown, that list got even longer. Leading finance company, Yes Finance are here to help you finally tackle those home projects.
“Our dedicated team from Yes Finance can tailor a loan for you, and with interest rates from just 8.95%, there’ll be no excuse not to finish your home improvement projects this winter!”
A home improvement loan is a personal loan that you can use to help with any costs associated with renovating your residential home.
Now is the time to start planning on how you are going to do all those home renovations that you have always wanted to do. “We want to help get your dream home, without blowing out your finances,” adds Peter, Yes Finance owner and director.
Home renovations can be a big undertaking so it is best to start planning as soon as possible. Having all your finance sorted before you start means you’ll know exactly what you have to work with, which makes budgeting and sticking to it much easier.
Add Value
Home improvement and renovations are a great way to add value to your home. A consumer spending survey found that 35.2% of respondents said that they will be spending their money on home renovation and 20 percent said they will be spending more on their garden.
According to One Roof adding a third or fourth bedroom inside the house, or putting in a second toilet, can add great value to your home.
Personal Loans
Whether you’re updating the kitchen, giving yourself a more spacious bathroom, adding a deck for summer entertaining, or building an extension, renovations are more attainable with a personal loan from Yes Finance.
Yes Finance can offer you secured loans of up to twenty five thousand dollars, starting from 8.95%, over 5 years as long as you have a minimum equity of 20% in your home. Lending Criteria, terms, fees and conditions apply. “We can be your finance partner, dedicated to helping you achieve a successful financial outcome,” comments Peter from Yes Finance
Apply Online
Yes Finance can help people from any corner of the country, their entire process can be done online or over the phone. “Yes Finance can help you anywhere and anytime. We have tailored our online application service to be quick and easy to complete,”.
The approachable staff at Yes Finance take great pride in their outstanding customer service, where they aim to provide an excellent quality of service and to consider their client’s points of views at all times.
Yes Finance interest rates are competitive and vary depending on the amount borrowed, the loan term, and your credit history. At Yes Finance they will match you with loans that work for you both in the short and long terms, with an emphasis on responsible lending.
Personal and Business Lending
Yes Finance specializes in personal loans, including cars, boats and holidays, and business loans for those looking to take the next step up in their business through expansion or upgrade.
Check out Yes Finance’s simple and easy to use online applications
Have a listen to Yes Finance director, Peter Steel, talking to Marcus Lush on Newstalk ZB talking about why Yes Finance is the first choice in finance company for New Zealand businesses:
About Yes Finance
Yes Finance can assist you with SME finance, personal finance, travel loans, boat loans, chattel finance, plant and equipment finance, business loans, loans for equipment and machinery and asset finance. But no matter what kind of finance you need, the team at Yes Finance can offer you a real solution.
Yes Finance have been in business for 20 years, making them one of the oldest privately owned finance companies in New Zealand. They are an alternative to the rigid approach of the banks, providing customer focused solutions for commercial and personal finance. They are based in Auckland but operate throughout New Zealand.