Leading Auckland based finance company, Yes Finance has come out in support of the Commission for Financial Capability’s (CFFC) new initiative that will allow students to earn NCEA credits through learning about finance. “Financial education is important. Teaching our kids to be money smart will go a long way in setting them up for a…
Read More.Covid-19 Update
Post: July 2, 2020

Yes we are open for business! Latest update to Covit-19 28/06/2020 Following the government’s announcement about the move to Alert Level 1, Yes Finance is working through what this means for our services and facilities. In line with the Government’s guidance regarding Alert Level 1, we’ll no longer require visitors to adhere to physical distancing…
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The Covid-19 pandemic has impacted on every facet of our lives. Many Kiwi’s around the country are dealing with or potentially facing job loss. While the stress of losing a job can be crushing, there are a few things you can do to take control of the situation says leading Auckland based finance company, Yes…
Read More.Covid-19 Update 20-05
Post: May 28, 2020

Yes we are open for business! Latest update to Covit-19 28/05/2020 COVID-19 has been a disruptive event and your financial wellbeing may have been impacted during this time. Yes Finance can support you with expert support and guidance. Level 2 means our focus on staff and customer safety continues. We have taken all the required…
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With the world still gripped in the Covid-19 pandemic, for everyday people, the stress of keeping up with everyday finances can be overwhelming. While we all might feel helpless, there are actions you can take that will not only make you feel better but will also help with money issues, advises leading Auckland based finance…
Read More.Strategies to deal with Financial Stress
Post: April 16, 2020

When left unchecked, financial stress finds its way into every area of our lives, including our physical and emotional wellbeing. Leading finance company, Yes Finance, have a few things you can do now to relieve your financial stress for the benefit of your physical and emotional wellbeing. Statistics Research by the Commission for Financial Capability…
Read More.Covid-19 update 20-04
Post: March 26, 2020

Yes we are open for business! Latest update to Covit-19 28/04/2020 As of Tuesday 28th April 2020 we are operating with skeleton staff in the office whilst the remainder of staff are continuing to work remotely at home. Having customers visit the office is still not possible however our staff are availble by telephone, email…
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Even with ever tightening loan restrictions, leading finance company, Yes Finance’s goal has always been to provide the best responsible lending services to all of its customers. Recent years have seen tighter lending restrictions, new regulations and an increased emphasis on a borrower’s financial wellbeing. All these factors have made it all the more difficult…
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The start of a new school year mixed with Christmas and end of summer debt can put families under financial pressure. Are you feeling the financial stress due to buying uniforms, tertiary school fees and other education supplies at the start of a New Year? The friendly financial experts at Auckland based Yes Finance are here…
Read More.Yes Finance Show Jumping Series
Post: December 20, 2019

The Yes Finance Show Jumping Series at the Pointways Pony Club, sponsored by the leading finance company, Auckland based Yes Finance, wrapped up in style on the weekend. “Everyone at Yes Finance would like to extent a massive congratulations to our overall winners place getters in our Yes Finance Show Jumping Series.” The Yes Finance…
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